November 27, 2023

Abreva Coupons and Printable Discounts

abreva coupons and discountsFind Abreva coupons and printable coupon discounts online. This page will help you locate current coupon offers, promotional specials and savings to print, for this cold sore relief medication. Locating and redeeming Abreva printable coupons and discount offers is an excellent way to save money on this over the counter, OTC medication.

Abreva, docosanol, is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, GSK, and is an OTC over the counter medication to treat and speed the healing of cold sores. It has been proven to shorten and speed up the healing time for cold sore infections. It is the only cold sore medicine that contains docosanol for speeding relief. While it may work somewhat like an antiviral, it is not classified as such, since the medication does not act specifically in the herpes virus. The docosanol medication works to strengthen healthy cell membranes to help resist the invasion of the virus into additional healthy cells, thereby reducing its spread. This in effect helps to block the expansion of the herpes virus and the infection cycle. It is FDA approved to shorten cold sore healing time and symptom duration. GSK’s official website for this product is at

Where to Find Abreva Coupons

See the manufacturer’s official website at for current printable coupon offers and discount coupon savings for their cold sore medication.

See: You will need to register and complete their short form and submit your information. You will then be able to print your coupon for savings. They will also periodically send out additional health information, tips and promotional specials and coupon offers for more savings.

Other ways to potentially save money on this and other types of medications include CVS coupon offers and pharmacy coupons.

Video: Abreva Commercial

This is a commercial for this cold sore relief medication found over the counter at your local pharmacy or drugstore retailer. The video states that the product is nonprescription but works like it is. The medication has been proven to shorten the healing time for cold sores.

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Disclaimer: This information is not a substitute for professional medical help or advice. This site does not provide medical advice or diagnosis. See your doctor or pharmacist for information.

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